mAn in the kitchen

mAn in  the kitchen


Health coaching is a relatively new field. To help my clients understand better as to what a health coach is and does I have created this page to better clarify The term Health Coach.

Frequently asked Questions and Answers

What is a health coach? 

Health coaching is a process in which a health coach guides a client to reach his or her health and life goals by making step by step changes to his or her diet and lifestyle. I specialize in Home cooking coaching. The client "you" learns about new ways to cook, new healthy foods and the concept of primary foods: Relationships, physical activity, career, and spirituality. The health coach works with the client to set goals to gradually incorporate improved primary and secondary foods into the clients life. Health coaching is completely focused on the client. ---where the client is and where he or she wants to go with his or her health and life. The health coach acts as a guide, helping the client to gain control of and take responsibility for his or her health. I specialize in kitchen and pantry set-up, Healthy home cooking. Menu building and Cooking for one or two. I also specialize in resourcing ingredients and cooking for the season. I also guide clients who want to grow their own food.

What does a health coach not do? 

A health coach does not take the place of any medical practitioner: rather, he or she serves as the missing link- the patient guide- that helps develop strategies to enact real, lasting lifestyle changes that address not only the diagnostic label( i.e., pre-diabetic), but also to serve the client's overall wellness. A Health coach often works with generally healthy clients who may not necessarily be practicing many bad habits, but who are not practicing enough of the good habits.

Scope of Practice guidelines

Conditions? I work with people who are generally healthy with mild health concerns such as.

  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Sugar Cravings
Age? I work with Adults.

Medical? I will suggest a client: 
  • Ask their doctor about alternatives to medication.
  • Get a second doctor's opinion if they are unsure.
Diet? I suggest ways to "Crowd out"
  • Caffeine 
  • Sugar
  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco
  • Junk food
  • Dairy 
Supplements? I recommend:
  • Superfoods
  • Multivitamins
  • Mineral Supplements
Exercise? I encourage clients to begin gentle, low risk exercise changes such as walking

Relationships? I give people time to talk about their important relationships. I also promote participation in social events to meet new people. 

Career? I encourage clients to explore new hobbies and interests.

Spirituality? I encourage clients to engage in self-reflection and experience nature.

What is a health history? 

During a typical consultation, we will spend about an hour going through your health history, your goals for your health, and what you've always imagined for your life. We will also get a sense of how it would be to work together.

What about confidentiality?

Like any other health professional, I keep everything clients share with me strictly confidential.

How does the program work?

I work with clients in  6 month health coaching programs to reach their goals for their health and life. During the 6 months, I meet with my clients to create a plan, in a step-by-step way, so they feel and look great. Together, we look at their current diet and lifestyle and customize a way tp upgrade their food and other aspects of their life. I also offer my clients bonus materials, like books and handouts on health related topics and other fun ideas to help improve their health.

Why is it six months? 

Studies show that if you do something for six months, it is much more likely to become a long-term habit. My goal is that after six months of working together with a client, they will have a deeper understanding of the foods and lifestyle that works best for them. I want them to take what they learn through working with me and use it for the rest of their life.

Eric Roberts 

Health Coach 

Published 2016/03/13