mAn in the kitchen

mAn in  the kitchen

Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Classic Egg sandwich mAn in the kitchen style

Eggs are my most favorite breakfast meal, I look for variety when serving them for breakfast or any meal, today I opted for a Egg/ BLT sandwich. Here is the deal for any meal I want to max out on nutrients and I  want the meal to serve me well, so I not only got lots of protein and omega's, I got my servings of grains & veggies all at the same time.

What is in it?

2 local free range pasture raised organic chicken egg... animal welfare is a big one for me!!
3 to 4 leaves of organic romaine lettuce from my own backyard garden 
1/2 organic  avocado 
1 small organic tomato
2 slices of whole grain artisan bread - I like to support local people 
pinch of pepper 
pinch of sea salt
1 tablespoon virgin olive oil -I use Bragg's
2 slices of organic bacon 

How do you make this? 

Slice the Tomato & Avocado
Fry the eggs over hard with olive oil ,salt & pepper
Chop the lettuce 
Cook the bacon until crisp

Assemble your sandwich and slice in half... there is enough to share .Enjoy

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Home Made Potato chips @ mAn in the kitchen

This evening I was craving my favorite snack food, potato chips... yes I  heart potato chips.. I went out into my garden, I sunk my hand in the dirt near one of my Organic Red Potato plants, I grabbed hold of a potato. The ingredient of my fresh made chips.

The Directions

One Organic Red Potato slice it thin 
Heat a cup or two of Grape seed oil over medium heat 
deep fry sliced potato in this oil until the sizzling stops this means the water is boiled from the potato
remove the chips from the oil and let sit for a few to let the excess oil drain ..sprinkle pink salt and pepper to taste.

enjoy with a dip of your choice 
I made some homemade dip below is how that is made

1/2 avocado
3 tablespoons soy milk
1 1/2 tablespoons diced onion 
1 teaspoon hulled hemp seeds

blend all in a blender until smooth --I left mine a little chunky 

Homemade Potato Chips & Dip 

Healthy Chicken Salad w/ mAn in the kitchen Eric Roberts


Today for lunch I made a quick and easy healthy chicken salad for lunch in the mAn's Kitchen, The recipe was found in the world's healthiest foods book, this book is my goto textbook as I learn to eat and cook in a happy and healthy way. I rank this recipe at 5 stars based on ease of making, limited ingredients and taste as well as healthy for you.

Whats in it?

1 cooked chicken breast chopped-- I used a breast from a Organic Rotisserie chicken that I bought at whole foods

2 organic celery stalks chopped

1 medium apple diced

3 tablespoons Virgin Olive oil I used Braggs 

Juice of one organic lemon

1/4 cup chopped organic walnuts

1 small organic carrot shredded

Salt & Pepper
The Conclusion

Mix all ingredients in a small to medium sized mixing bowl, mix all together.
Add in salt and pepper to taste. 


Eric Roberts is the mAn in the kitchen. 

High Energy Breakfast Shake @ mAn in the kitchen


I was looking for a quick way to serve myself some Hi energy today, this breakfast shake will start your day with a little boost of energy to get you going. This shake is quick and easy to make, I put everything into my magic bullet and in a few minutes I had some energy ready to consume. Feel free to add the protein of your choice I used what I had on hand in the mAn Kitchen . 

Monday, May 11, 2015

Shellfish-- Shrimp Taco's -mAn in the kitchen

Shrimp taco's a robust healthy shrimp taco @ mAn in the kitchen

10 to 12 Wild caught shrimp
1 small organic carrot 
3 stalks organic celery 
1 lemon
pinch of pink salt
pinch of pepper
1 teaspoon olive oil
3 tablespoons of veggie broth low sodium 
2 cloves garlic
3 tablespoons homemade mayo
2 leaves of organic romaine lettuce


chop the garlic let sit
place broth in a skillet and place on med. heat
peel and clean shrimp & devein 
mix a couple tbs of lemon juice and salt/pepper 
dip shrimp in this mix
once broth starts to steam place shrimp in the skillet 
cook shrimp for a few minutes until pink add in garlic
turn shrimp until they finish cooking
trim lettuce leaves 
chop the avocado 
chop the celery 
grate the carrot 
layout shrimp on top of the lettuce
garnish with celery , carrot, avocado 
top with olive oil
drizzle the remaining lemon juice on top
dress with the homemade mayo( see my directions on how to make in this blog)

garnish plate with remaining shrimp 


Sunday, May 10, 2015

mayonnaise recipe ...mAn in the kitchen does it homemade style


I have always wanted to make some homemade Mayonnaise, After a little search I found what seems to be the perfect most easy recipe on how to make your own mayonnaise in your kitchen. This recipe was sourced from Vital Eggs recipe blog. I rate this recipe as a 5 star one because it is simple and easy to make as well as very tasty.


  • 2 pasture-raised egg yolks
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 3/4 to 1 cups grapeseed oil

Separate two egg yolks into a tall cup/bowl, add in a hefty tablespoon of Dijon mustard a pinch of salt and the lemon juice...I did not measure the lemon juice I just squeezed a lemon over the egg yolk and called it good, next slightly blend this mix together adding in a little bit of the grapeseed oil at a time. Mix well for a few minutes and that is it very simple and very fast it took me about 5 min. to make. 

Dessert Recipe from mAn in the kitchen -CHOCOLATE ENERGY PUDDING



2 Organic bananas
1 cup organic  blueberries
1 1/2 tbsp hemp protein
1 1/2 tbsp ground flax seed
1 tbsp roast carob powder
1/4 cup soaked raw almonds
or almond butter
1 tbsp organic coconut oil
1 tsp fresh organic  lemon juice
1/4 tsp sea salt or pink salt

Process everything in a food processor until smooth and creamy.
Makes 2 servings. For extra flavor, texture, and nutrition, add a couple
of tablespoons of hemp seeds.


Fried egg sandwich --Nothing fancy just a mAn Breakfast

nothing fancy--- mAn in the kitchen kept it simple this morning with a fried egg sandwich --- that is it--- 2 Vital Farms eggs from the Green Grocer on Dark Wheat loaf w/Molasses bread from Village Baking Co.

Shopping list
Pastured eggs
Whole grain or Wheat Bread
Olive oil
Pink Salt
Organic Pepper

Coat frying pan with Extra Virgin Olive oil, salt and pepper
Fry 2 eggs in a olive oil coated cast iron frying pan
flip them over after 5 min.
once eggs are over hard remove from heat
Place cooked eggs in 2 slices of  your fav bread

enjoy .

Saturday, May 9, 2015

The Eggs over Hard mAn in the kitchen salad

OK the salad is good for breakfast, lunch or even dinner... when I decided to make this salad I told myself it has to get crazy and creative and it has to be good.

here is the scoop on the eggs over hard mAn in the kitchen salad,


Cook bacon on medium heat on a cast iron skillet until crisp
Fry 2 eggs over hard in a cast iron frying pan
Peel and slice one avocado 
Shred one small carrot 
shred 1/4 apple
juice one lemon 
chop 2 cups spinach 


place one egg on a plate, put 1/2 the spinach on top of it
place the other egg on top of the spinach
put the remaining spinach on top of that egg
add in the  slices of  avocado
put the bacon on
sprinkle the shredded carrot over top of the whole plate
place shredded apple over top of the bacon 
top off with raisins 
sprinkle hulled hemp seeds over everything
apply lemon juice to whole salad.



Spinach,Carrot, avocado

2 organic Vital  eggs free range of course local if possible
1 organic carrot 
1 organic apple 
1 tablespoon organic CA Thompson seedless  raisins 
1 organic lemon
1 organic avocado
1 slice bacon 
2 cups organic spinach 
1 tablespoon hulled hemp seeds
Eggs over hard mAn in the kitchen salad
Eggs over hard mAn in the kitchen salad

mAn's sources 

eggs-Vital Farms 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Home Cooking with mAn in the kitchen- Beef Casserole Recipe

Beef Casserole

1 cup                         Organic Baby Spinach leaves
1 Tablespoon            Grated Parmesan Cheese 
1/2 Tablespoon         Organic Red pepper flakes
1/8 cup                      Low Sodium Chicken Broth

2 Tablespoons           Incan Quiona rice
1/2 poundOrganic Grass Fed Beef
1 cuporganic Yellow onion, chopped 
1 cuporganic celery, chopped organic
1 cuporganic green pepper, cubed organic
3 1/2 cups  organic tomatoes, diced organic
1/4 teaspoon  salt Himalayan Pink 
1/2 teaspoon  organic black pepper
1/4 teaspoon  organic paprika
1 cup  organic frozen peas 
2 small  organic carrots, diced 
1 cupuncooked Texas Best Organic Long Grain White Rice
1 1/2 cupsspring water

  1. In a skillet, brown the ground beef and drain off the fat.
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients. Mix well. Cook over medium heat and cover skillet until boiling. Reduce to low heat and simmer for 35 minutes. Serve hot.
Yield: 8 servings--Serving size: 1 1/3 cups

Garnish with fresh organic baby spinach leaves and Grated Parmesan cheese

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Desserts-Frozen Banana Treats

Frozen banana

I Made my Frozen banana dessert by placing the banana upon a sturdy paper straw, freezing it, and  dipping it in melted chocolate. I covered it with Coconut flakes.

Directions & Ingredients 
A  bundle of Organic Banana's  
Lily's Dark Chocolate Premium Baking Chips
Fancy Grade Organic Coconut Flakes
Nature Nate's 100% pure raw & unfiltered honey
Spring water
Susty Party Paper straws

Peel 6 to 7 banana's 
carefully insert paper straws into the Banana at least half way ( if the banana cracks or breaks this is ok)
Trim straws off to desired length
Place parchment paper onto a large baking pan
Place the banana's onto sheet and place in freezer for a day

The Coatings
Over low heat melt 9 oz of dark chocolate mix in a half cup of water to thin out.
Add in a little honey  a few tablespoons will do
once chocolate if pourable pour it into a tall glass
dip the frozen banana's in the glass of melted chocolate
Roll the chocolate banana in the Coconut flakes to your liking 
Place coated Banana's on top of a few straws on the original baking sheet used to freeze them on
Place back in the freezer for a few hours 

I purchased my Ingredients and supplies at Whole Foods & The Green Grocer Dallas

Links and Resources 

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Beware There is A Man in the Kitchen: are you a man in the kitchen?

Beware There is A Man in the Kitchen: are you a man in the kitchen?:  A re you a man in the kitchen? would you like to contribute to my latest blog? You must follow healthy living standards and you must spend...

men in the kitchen-spotlight

Man in the kitchen would like to spotlight some unique men in the kitchen!!!! Do you know a man that is good in the kitchen? give us a heads up and we will spotlight the men in your kitchen.